Then they give time to attractive spokeswomen for some group of cattlemen. They roll their eyes and speak from the tobacco playbook.
Yeah, right.
Well, I'm a grownup. I'm sitting here crying through Supergirl. No more compromise for me. Right is right. Wrong is wrong.
No longer will I politely listen to folks justify war, greed. I won't argue or fight with idiots, either. Hopefully I'll refrain from calling people idiots, too.
I believe in science and I believe in love. I happen to believe in rock'n'roll, too. That just happens to be my branch of science. I was put here with powers. You were, too. I plan to use mine from here on out. It's love that flows in my veins and it's usually in 4/4 time.
You don't believe me, do you?
That's okay.
I love you.
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