Sunday, November 30, 2014
What's It Worth To You?

Saturday, November 29, 2014
Heigh Ho

I've been surrounded by magical musicians and beautiful folks since I was a kid. A long time.
We're gonna play a lot of stuff that I've always wanted to play and somehow, never got around to it. There's plenty of it.
To make a swell situation even sweeter, we're playing at the Hideaway Cafe in downtown St. Pete. What a beautiful listening room. Again, all terrific people, too.
Finally, I'm embarrassed to brag, but the folks who come to share the music and the love with me are the best in the world. Love for all you're worth. You'll be richer for it.
Friday, November 28, 2014
Holiday Cheer And Hot Stuff

Thursday, November 27, 2014
Studying Love

Here's to anyone that I've let down, anybody that I've disappointed. I have karma to take care of here. I hope that love fills every heart today. Don't ever hold back with yours.
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
"I Don't Have A Dog"
"Doc, I feel like my dog died and I don't have a dog."
Nobody could communicate with the English language like "Big Ed."
Well, Ed's bout with depression was fixed up with some medications and he was soon back to his cranky self.
If you have never suffered with the real blues, I'm happy for you. If you have, you know it. I mean you really know it.
Wouldn't it be fine to get this elephant off your chest and this monkey off your back once and for all. In the meantime, love, love, love.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Warm In The Wheel Wells

Monday, November 24, 2014
Do You Miss Me?
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Red Blood, Red Wine

I always read Proust to her 'til I got used to her, then I just sang her Ernie K-Doe. My blood was too red and the wine went to her head and I resigned myself to watching her go.
She stooped to conquer. She showed me pure joy. While she flirted in German I tried to be coy. With all the saints in the family and all the ghosts in the hall and all the savage pastimes that I can recall.
She read Dr. Seuss to me 'til she got used to me, then she sang me Billie Holiday. The wine rushed to her head and my blood was too red and she talked about going away.
I found a hole in my heart where the soul all went. It's easy to love a memory when the romance is spent. All of the God and all the gold, they can't touch the destiny when the dice have been rolled.
Yeah, I always read Proust to her, 'til I got used to her, then I just quoted Spike Jones. The wine went to my head and my blood was still too red. She was leaving, I could feel it in my bones.
She read Dr. Seuss to me, 'til she got used to me, then she quoted Lady Day. The wine was red and the blood rushed to my head and she talked about going away.
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Some Dogs Smile

I just want to spend my time with one of those smiles on my face. Let's study love.
Friday, November 21, 2014
A Toast

While I'm at it, let me lift a glass to the ones with their hands in their pockets because they have no hand to hold. You know, the ones with a favorite song or two but no way to share an "our song" thing. What becomes of the lonely ones?
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Which One Shows Up?

All I really have to say to the kids is do everything you do with love in your heart. Work for peace. Search for truth. Take care of all living things. Sing when you can and cry when you have to. By the time it's over, nothing will matter but the love.
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Bye Bye Johnny
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Press On
Monday, November 17, 2014
Not Hep

I'm hoping that this doesn't read as though I find myself above all this. I always wanted to be in the know, up with the latest trends. In other words, I'm not above it. I just can't do it.
It has taken a very long time for this to sink in. Women in my life have always tried to help. I've been accused of wanting to be loved. Well, yeah, I suppose there's something to that. Who don't?
When the Love Generation came along I thought my time had come. I'm hokey to my core. All I want is world peace, freedom, happiness and love for all creatures. Oh, yeah- I want the earth to be lovingly cared for, too. I'm easy to please.
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Scared Of Being Alone
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Me And George On The Docks

Daryl lived with his parents off Audubon Avenue in south Tampa, across the street from Trinity Methodist Church where I attended Sunday school with my cousin, George, and his family. Sometimes we would talk Aunt Pauline into letting us sit in the car during church service and we would wait patiently for any sighting of the bad boy.
Honestly, I couldn't decide if I wanted to be a rock'n'roll star, a race car driver or a juvenile delinquent. By the time that I saw Rumble On The Docks and realized that hoodlums did mean things to people I settled in on rock'n'roll star. It never quite worked out but I have no complaints.
Friday, November 14, 2014
The "What Ifs"

It's never about what you did or might have done. It's about what you're doing now. Elvis, sadly, became the first Elvis impersonator. Love is the only thing that matters. The ego will take care of itself, thank you. Just be kind. There are folks who need you.
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Better Safe Than Sorry

Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Eat Somewhere Else!
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Blood Brothers

Well, I always seem to end up without a blood brother and failing miserably at romance. I'm still an only child, too.
The one part of my life that makes it all worthwhile is working with all of the wonderful musicians who have graced my life. It never gets old. For right now it's Chinese Mary Jane with Rebekah Pulley, Rob Pastore and Spencer Hinkle. I love them.
Monday, November 10, 2014
Choose The Ones That Choose You

My beloved rock'n'roll has been pushed aside many times for rock or new wave or worse, americana.
I remember Uncle Morgan saying that he had to make himself visit my mom in the nursing home because he didn't want to be around all the "old people." She was around eighty five or eighty six at the time. Uncle Morgan? He was about ninety.
Uncle Morgan never got old. He just chose not to do it. Let me say that he stayed young with dignity, too. No little red sports cars of him. Never needed 'em.
Jamaica thinks she's a puppy. She's nine. That's my girl.
Sunday, November 9, 2014
The Gift Of A Broken Heart
Saturday, November 8, 2014
The Earth Moves, The Heart Stands Still

Oh, sad is sad. The news on television reminds me of war and greed and hate. Sometimes loneliness holds me by the throat and tries to take control. There are folks that I miss. Regrets? Yeah.
It's all just a part of this magnificent quilt, though. I've said it before, you're lucky when you know you're lucky. Try your best to squander your love. See if you can use it up. Ha!
Friday, November 7, 2014
How Much In Europe?
That's what my pal, Dick Holler, said to me in the dimly lit restaurant at the Hard Rock Casino in Tampa. It was the first time that we had seen each other in twenty years or so. Maybe longer. He had come to play some serious poker. Dick was always frugal, to put it mildly, but I guess he has to figure out ways to spend all the loot nowadays.
He was referring to the fact that Smokey Robinson was one of dozens of artists who have covered his song, "Abraham, Martin and John." Smokey's new anniversary record was obviously going to sell a green gazillion copies. More loot.
Of course the beautiful ballad has also been covered by Andy Williams, Marvin Gaye, Harry Belafonte, Wilson Pickett, Moms Mabley, Emmylou Harris and Leonard Nimoy. Bob Dylan has performed it frequently as has Nanci Griffith and Bon Jovi.
You'll read that Dion recorded the first version. That's not quite right. My friend, Spencer and I recorded the first one. Dick didn't much like it. Spencer and I didn't think much of it either. Dick and I worked for Phil Gernhard, the producer who had begun his career with "Stay" by Maurice Williams and the Zodiacs. Dick had written a song about the Red Baron and Phil added the stuff about Snoopy. That was the beginning of this loot that I keep bringing up.
In our early days in the little office in St. Petersburg I had once asked Dick if he was aware that his early 45's on Herald and Ace were valuable, sometimes going for a couple hundred dollars through Goldmine Magazine. He wouldn't believe me until I brought him a price guide that listed values of old records. Then he declared, "Well, that's based on scarcity, not quality."
I thought he was being humble. Now, I sometimes find old records of mine going for too much money on ebay. Yep, scarcity.
By the way, Dick's records' value is based on quality, believe you me!
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Alpha Males and Psychopaths

How lucky a man is to be driven by passion and compassion. Of course, most of us are. Love hard. You have to take up the slack for places like Washington, D.C., where the proportion of psychopaths is out of whack. That's not to mention the alpha males, including some in dresses and pantyhose.
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
The Easy Stuff

Could I have been an architect, a heart surgeon, a great lover or a rocket scientist? We'll never really know now, will we?
If I have any purpose here on this earth it is to remind folks to love. Search for truth. It's right there.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
That Guy
Monday, November 3, 2014
Oh, The Magic
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Did You Miss Me?

Well, Jamaica and I spent last night in the new house but we did it without Angel. About half an hour ago I went back to the other house and scooped her up. I was ready for a clawing and I got one. Oh, she wouldn't hurt me on purpose but all the flailing and swinging rips some flesh, I'll tell you. I wasn't gonna turn that kitty loose for anything.
Now we're all here and life starts a new chapter. I'm calling this joint the Land O' Love.
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