Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Learning To Live

You always read about and hear about folks having to learn to speak again after a stroke or some other brain trauma. Maybe the same thing is true after breaking your heart. Oh, I can speak. I never seem to shut up. I seem to have found myself trying to learn to live again, laugh again.

Seems that I boarded the bad karma train a few years back and couldn't seem to get off the damned thing. Everything that I had ever read about loss suddenly seemed real. Too real.

I whined and people hugged me. I found out more about friends and love than I had ever known about before. I can't recommend the method but it's great to know that we're all knee-deep in the stuff if you look around. I hope to change the world some tiny little bit by loving like crazy. I have a debt to repay. Besides, it's fun.

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