Monday, August 26, 2019

Brazil Nuts and Freak Shows

Sometimes I do, then again, I think I don't. Folks ask me, "How do you make yourself sit down and write every day?"

Of course I know that what they're really wondering is, "If you don't have anything new to say, what keeps you going?"

Oh, I'm not offended. I wonder the same thing. You'll notice that I stop from time to time. Honestly, what draws me back is running across some ridiculous photograph that seems to need my head on it.

It took years of blogs for me to realize that I tend to think the same thoughts. My brain seems to be stuck on a loop. A limited loop, at that.

This endeavor takes care of my need to tell you that I love you. Seems to be a little less creepy than telling everyone individually. Here's hoping that it keeps me from being locked up.

I love you.

1 comment:

  1. a magic voice on a very good video ! it is Heaven ! Take care dear Ronny ...Mike the Frenchy
