Saturday, September 14, 2024

They're Coming For Your Bagpipes

We're all worried about something. I suppose that's why they sell so much alcohol, why so many Americans have medical cannabis cards. I've tried to train myself to let it go. I paid Maharishi Mahesh Yogi thirty five bucks on the student special deal for my own secret mantra and I've ingested every substance recommended by every fashionable guru to come down the path. 

Of course, I would like to think that none of it has done me any harm, but then again, who knows what I might have accomplished with some cleaner living.

My plan for the future is to keep my mind in the gutter and off world events over which I have no control. Vote Bonobo!


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Grinning Advice


One of the things that seems more obvious as I grow older is just how sure of himself the fool is. I've grown cynical of anyone asserting wisdom.

I suppose, at this point, I value kindness above all. Fortunately, I seem to have moved into a hotbed of it. Folks smile here. That lovely British "Sorry," is overheard on every sidewalk, in every grocery aisle.

I'm gonna wok on being gentle and gracious. I'm nothing if not fashionable. 

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Nothing Left To Dream

It's a bit greyer than I imagined. Calls have dropped off and the e-mail has dwindled to next-to-nothing. I bid on trinkets on eBay, hoping that someone else will grab them. Somehow, I always imagined that there would be something that I needed. You know, that one car. That one of a kind guitar; that once in a lifetime girl.

I don't mean to brag...well, maybe I do- I have succeeded. I have it all. 

Oh, sure, I dream of world peace and I worry about the stray dogs. I'm aware of every school shooting and I cry for the lonely. I just lost another friend this week who just wasn't strong enough to survive the hard part. For the first time, though, I'm almost able to celebrate what she was on the good days. Few of my favourites were designed for this world, these times.

There's an end to every story. It's way too late for mine to be a short story, even though short stories have always been my favourite. I suppose my last worry was that I had used up all my good luck. Of course it just kept coming. 

By the way, I got the once in a lifetime girl. She came with the one of a kind guitar and the best would-be stray. I told you I have it all.

Give us peace on earth and end this dreadful, dreadful war.


Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Have I Told You This?

Maybe I should have told the tales of my parade of consciousness while there was some small degree of relevance. I suppose I did, in fact, but I don't believe anyone was listening.

New stories are always better.

I'm not likely to shake another king's hand at this point, but three should be plenty, and I've blundered into the cosmic path of the royal personage of Roy, Elvis and Big Daddy.

My favourite stories are all about laughing. I plan to do a lot more before all's said and done.

Give us peace on earth and end this dreadful, dreadful war.