There comes a point where I'm worn out commenting on the collapse of the culture that surrounds me. I remember my lack of patience with old fools who spouted off about Elvis and JFK and BB when I was at that point in life where you know everything.
There are, of course, opinions and philosophies that I will stick with:
Kindness brings happiness.
There has never been a good war.
All you need is love.
Girls rule, boys drool.
Don't pay any attention to me. I get my ideas off t-shirts and bumper stickers, not some high tech structure like tiktok or a sacred text written anonymously centuries ago, changed several times conveniently by kings, suggesting plucking out eyes and threatening eternal damnation.
Maybe I never walked five miles in the snow to school but I did meet Jackie Wilson.
Give us peace on earth and end this dreadful, dreadful war.