Sunday, February 16, 2025

Fine Artiste Blues


Life is your art once you figure it out. Oscar knew. Rumi knew.  I suspect lots of the artists of our time, or any time, keep it something of a secret.

Paint to show the world that you can. Sing to garner attention, praise, adulation.

Love to live life fully.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Rats and Sinking Ships

In 1965 I wanted to move to England. The centre of the universe, at the time, was wherever the Beatles were. 

In 2023 the centre of the universe was wherever Kate was. Still is!

My timing was off that first go 'round but I seem to have nailed it this time. 

Give us peace on earth and end this dreadful, dreadful war.


Friday, January 31, 2025

Foreign Currency

Just when I'm starting to think that I have something important to tell you, the feeling comes over me that reminds me that nothing is important. Maybe it's more that everything is important, just not equally so. You know, "The stove is hot and my hand is on the stove!" 

Well, friends, the stove is hot.

Give us peace on earth and end this dreadful, dreadful war.


Friday, January 24, 2025

Preaching To The Choir

It finally dawns on me that Dr. Einstein could explain things to me all day and I would only take away a fraction of what he had in mind for me. The limiting factor is always going to be the receiver, isn't it? There's no reason to shout at the deaf man, is there?

The peace and love message from the hippies is wasted on an investor in the armaments industry. Elements of this culture have managed to make "woke" a derogatory term, an insult implying weakness, naivety. "Liberal" became a slur decades ago.

Churches are for politics now. The faithful go to have their views buttressed.

We're told now that governments and churches can't be bothered with charity.

If I tell you that I've lost faith in church and state and that the legal system that I grew up in seems to have been bought, I suppose I sound like something of a pessimist. I'm not. I believe in the decency and the goodness of the folks that I pass on the sidewalk. I believe in magic.

Give us peace on earth and end this dreadful, dreadful war.


Sunday, January 19, 2025

The Bomb

In 1968 Paul Ehrlich dropped his Population Bomb, explaining in terrifying detail how hundreds of millions would starve on this planet if we didn't do something, and quickly, about the population explosion.

Now, Leon and his tech cronies, along with most mainstream economists, wring their hands at the prospect of depopulation. Out of the frying pan, right?

I can't help but thinking of experiments with ant farms in elementary school. Too many ants, and BOOM!
Chaos and anarchy

Then again, if we don't have enough workers funding retirement schemes and buying Inauguration Commemorative coins, who knows what might become of the Florida panther and the loveable, lowly hedgehog.

R.S.V.P. I won't be making that luncheon tomorrow, either.


Saturday, January 18, 2025

Rhymes Are So Overrated

Whatever force moves me around the game board of life seems to have my best interest at heart. Goodness knows I don't have the judgement or good sense to end up in the right place time after time.

Here I am, though, in the south of England, nowhere near any inauguration hustle.

My heart aches for the place where I lived for most of a lifetime.

Give us peace on earth and end this dreadful, dreadful war. 


Monday, January 13, 2025


It's all just a distraction to keep us from enjoying life, isn't it? Society, politics, religion, school, ad nauseam.

Don't fall for it. Of course this message is just one more of the pesky things, isn't it? They'll tempt you with jewels and sex. The good stuff is free and right in front of you. 

Maybe the saddest part of the scheme is that so many of the ones who pile up the trinkets can't be satisfied until the majority is doing without. War and famine are tools to maintain some shaky status quo.

If they ever run out of soldiers, it's all over for the bad guys.