Sunday, June 30, 2013
Big Life

Saturday, June 29, 2013
Little Green Men, Little Purple Women

I don't know if there's anybody else out there or not. If there is, I have no idea if they look like us or bear any resemblance to the space people that we've come up with over the ages. I would be willing to bet that they would like our rock'n'roll and dancing around in their underwear.
Love is our currency. Use it.
Friday, June 28, 2013
Positive Spin
All the world's my artichoke. This rock'n'roll is here to stay and I'm not gonna miss a thing. I mean it. I'm off to Memphis and Okemah in a week or two. As I said before, "I've got strings to break and friends I haven't even used yet."
Preach truth and love. You'll be glad you did.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Let The Good Love Flow
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Money Cravin' Folks

Clearly we're meant to be hanging around naked, listening to rock'n'roll and loving all the other creatures.
Somewhere along the line we allowed some phony to make it more complicated than that. Fear is usually the tyrant's tool. He'll use God, with a capital G, money, power, and shame to keep us focused on his goals.
Science and knowledge should be our way out. Love is the ultimate weapon. We'll inch ahead but it's a long journey. Those idiots on the supreme court and their nitwit pals in the congress are using every trick in the book to move us backwards.
Get your love out.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Sing High

What crap.
Young Jimmy Durante was fine but the old Schnozzola would wrap your heart around his finger. Ray Charles was christened "Genius" during the junk years but that later stuff burned, maybe even brighter.
Unfortunately most of our rock'n'roll stars don't live to get old. We were lucky enough to share those last Roy Orbison records but we'll never know what an old Buddy Holly would have given us. The power to bring us to tears or fill our hearts with joy and lust is in the music. Experience counts.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Unknown Worlds

Sunday, June 23, 2013
Driveway Drama In F#

Ray Charles knew that there were not different kinds of music. The thing that separated him from the rest of us and made him a genius was that he understood the faulty thinking on the part of the rest of us. He could sing a line, any line, and break your heart. He could put joy in your bones and lust in your heart, too.
Never had any ambition to be a singer but I would love to be able to break your heart. I'm willing to work hard to make you happy, too. Don't waste your time or energy on anything without love.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Big Moon Tonight

Why do Arthur Alexander songs thrill me? What is it about certain shades of blue that fascinate me? What is it about sex, certainly the most holy of endeavors, that makes us feel guilty? Are birds happy? I mean really happy?
John Sebastian wrote, "The magic's in the music and the music's in me." I believe in magic. I believe in love and rock'n'roll, too. You can't stop growing old but they can't make you grow up. The key to all of the mysteries is surely in the rock'n'roll. That's the magic.
Friday, June 21, 2013
Drink The Rain
Thursday, June 20, 2013
No Such Thing As Too Blue

I've been blessed with seeing it all. I've watched Ray Charles break a few hundred hearts at once while he was still the original heroin poster boy and I've watched Hank Ballard and the Midnighters dare a room to stay in their seats, joy pouring out of every one of them.
Folks ask me about my dark songs, the sad ones. Yeah, well what about my happy ones? I've got joy for ya'. I've got all the love you want. Oh, happy day, indeed.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
One For The Guys

Tuesday, June 18, 2013
No Women In Combat

When we get rid of the defense budget, we're gonna need new industry and work for all those folks displaced. I'm thinking we'll put them all to work fixing the planet and helping folks who need it. Maybe we can feed the hungry and take care of the sick ones who can't afford today's healthcare costs.
Maybe I'm naive. I prefer to believe that they're dumb. I love you.
Monday, June 17, 2013
Tinfoil Hats And Turtlenecks

Love is the best and I suppose that there's only one real rule. Don't withhold it as a tactic. It's okay to love and not get it back. That's where the blues comes from.
Talk to your dog and your cat. They don't mind.
Sunday, June 16, 2013

"That's your daddy," she said and motioned towards a stranger getting into his car parked on the street.
I tracked him down and talked to him on the phone for a few minutes twelve or fifteen years ago. We didn't have much to say. He seemed nice.
Uncle Reid and Uncle Morgan and Uncle Murray and Uncle Moss took up the slack. I never lacked a good male role model or a ride to the fair.
Happy father's day, pops, if you're out there.
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Life's Work

Friday, June 14, 2013
Life's Easy

Thursday, June 13, 2013
Don't Shine The Light In The Mirror

I've been looking into the eyes of the people that I have chosen to be around and I've been accused of looking into a mirror. Maybe.
Me? I know where the treasure's buried, where the joy hides. Sadness is contagious but so is laughter. Bring it on, boys. Bring it on.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Luck Of The Draw

Okay, let's forget the talent for a minute here. The sweetest, kindest folks in the world have worked with me. They've never been paid enough. I've never made any proper money. The way that I measure success, I'm a big deal. I hope these folks all know how much I love them and how much I have appreciated their company.
Give us peace on earth and end this dreadful, dreadful war.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Me And The Church

If you can help someone see the beauty and the grace in this world and if you can help folks see the pure love all around us, then how can you not preach. It's all about the love.
Rock'n'roll has been my denomination and the stage has been my church. I send my word out through my recordings. We're all special. Use your love. Let's rock.
Monday, June 10, 2013
Every Other Day

Pardon me for straying but, jockstrap... Jockstrap? What the heck are those things? The only thing I can figure is that it was some weird, erotic device designed to embarrass adolescent boys and their moms. What was tight underwear without a butt flap supposed to do to protect your ding dong? Do they still make those things? Have they changed the design?
These are the things that keep me up at night.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
The Heroes

Bo Diddley never ran out of stories. The Jimmy Reed adventures were a whole category. He ranted about child rearing, junkyards, drug abuse. He complained about the music business and his spot in history. He was obsessed with law enforcement. He wanted to produce a record with us.
First time that I had seen him I was nine years old and my mom had taken me to the armory in Tampa for "The Biggest Rock'n'Roll Show Of '56." He almost blew the walls down. Best part- he wore glasses. Eyeglasses! I had just started wearing them and it gave me the signal that I could still grow up to rock'n'roll. I did. Bo Diddley Is A Lover came out in 1961. Boy, I wish I had the nerve to call a record Ronny Elliott Is A Lover.
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Young Love
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Smells Like A Hurricane

Looks like it may be a wild storm season. I could use some new memories.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Love Roller Coaster

My search is my life. My best laid plans are shaky but they're true. The world needs more love. Lots more. Do your part. I love you.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Getting By

I'll betcha' I can finish a few new songs today and I'm pretty sure that I can keep my mind off her. I'm looking for peace of mind and, of course, we all are. First though, you have to make sure that you have a mind. I had one around here somewhere.
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