Tuesday, January 10, 2017

When The Good Gets You Down

Saints walk among us. Always have. Always will. When I play god there are no orphans. Puppies and kittens all have homes. War is just a card game.

When I get drunk I take the bills out of my wallet and babble about the things that men are willing to do for green paper.

In college I took a course called Idea of Utopia. It was designed to be a study of literature, a philosophy class. For me it was political science.

The incidence of psychopathy in Washington, D.C. is high according to mental health specialists. Really high. Off the charts. You can find the Narcissist of the Day interviewed on Morning Joe any day of the week.

If I come across as shrill and impatient, I apologize. I've walked with saints. Not many of them are going to work for the government. They're not going to run for office. They couldn't afford it.

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