Monday, August 20, 2012

Wiring's Wrong

Examining the lining of my heart I worry that hurt and anger and revenge live there and try to hide from me. Sometimes I find myself thinking that we're all wired to hurt someone when we're hurt, that it's all part of the biological fight or flight design to protect ourselves. 

I suppose that I would rather be open and honest and prone to deceit than to close myself off from the love that's all around me. 

Close inspection leads me to believe that I may have pulled for heartbreak at some level for people who have passed through my life when I perceive that they have hurt me. That's just wrong.

I forgive pretty well on the surface but that's not enough. I'm not interested in the burden of the karma of bad wishes. I truly love everybody and forgiveness is the true path to freedom. You don't end war with guns. You don't get to peace of mind through anger.

Here's a song that Danny Finley and I wrote for our long gone friend, Captain Ego. He was a good one.

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