Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Who's The Boss

Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Blah, blah

You live a long time, though, and lots of folks do walk by. I suppose I started to think about it by the time I was four or five and my mom had managed to hold me up to the window of Roy Rogers' tour bus so that I could shake his hand. Then Uncle Reid managed to get me up close to the Lone Ranger at an air show so that I was able to get a mask from him.
Either working on bills with musicians or promoting concerts with them, I have worked with the Coasters, the Shangra Las, the Flatlanders, Sly and the Family Stone, Pete Seeger, Wilco, Jimi Hendrix, the Band, the Newbeats, Tommy Roe, the Allman Brothers, the Outlaws, Chuck Berry, Steve Earle, the Chambers Brothers, Dave Van Ronk, Bo Diddley, Michael Bloomfield, Judy Collins, the Byrds, Commander Cody & His Lost Planet Airmen, Gene Vincent, Sam The Sham and The Pharos, Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels, Bill Haley and The Comets, Van Morrison, John Mayall, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Steve Miller, Canned Heat, Donovan, Patti Smith, Rufus Wainwright, Ramblin' Jack Elliott, Wanda Jackson, the Dave Clark 5, the Atlanta Rhythm Section, Tiny Tim, Derek and the Dominoes, Janis Joplin, the Kinks, Pink Floyd, Billy Preston, the Beach Boys and so many, many more.
Yeah, there are stories. Some of them are pretty good. None of it matters. I've got better ones about pie. Oh, and love. I've got better ones about love.
Sunday, December 28, 2014
My Last Memory
Cowboy Chords, Primary Colors and Babies With Broken Hearts

Let me tell you this: if you're born to the caste, you can go to work for the bank; you can marry the boss' daughter; you can take a degree in law. Buddy, you're still an artist.
Don't waste your time on landscapes, hit records or big career moves. Zero in on love and count your lucky stars. It's where we got "What'd I Say," Starry Night and To Kill A Mockingbird.
Love harder. It's the only legacy that matters.
Saturday, December 27, 2014
All's Well

It's a really small world. All of the secrets are in the rock'n'roll. Trust those voices. Don't settle for anything less than love.
Friday, December 26, 2014
Malachite Dust

Oh, I probably can't fix everything. I've only run into a few perfect people in my travels. I can, however, take care of some obvious shortcomings and I can start right away to make up for mistakes in my past.
Forgiving has always come easy for me. Forgetting? Not so much. I'm happy with memories but I could use some slimming down in the obsessing department. Right? Wrong? Who cares? When you color as far outside the lines as I do, you need to work on tolerance. Of course I like to think of myself as accepting and tolerant as it is. I don't need reminding that we all do. I guess I no longer need the two page notes from the girls in my seventh grade class or the four page memo from a wife packing to leave to know where there's room for improvement. Yeah, I get it.
Here's what I've got to work with. Honesty and love. If I can match that up with a couple of melodies to melt some stars I'll get you a new record and me a new start. Keep an eye on me. Be still and think about love.
Thursday, December 25, 2014
From The Bottom
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Close The Diners, Deck The Halls
"Get Feynman"

It seems that the seekers come from the ones who have everything. That would qualify me.
Pray for peace. Search for truth. Settle for love.
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Don't Hide Your Love Away

There are people out there who measure their own worth by comparing what they have with what others have. In this country lots of those folks spend some of that money during this time of the year to show off and to celebrate the birth of Jesus to a homeless couple.
Oh, most folks are wonderful. The bad ones we read about in the paper and watch giving speeches on TV. The rest of us are gonna have to pitch in. Love more. Love harder. Go!
Monday, December 22, 2014
What A Soundtrack

It's the soundtrack, though, that brings me to my knees. It seems that this old life will have pretty much tracked the trajectory of rock'n'roll, itself. Great goodness!
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Pardon Me, Your Soul Is Showing
Saturday, December 20, 2014
It's Who I Am, It's What I Do

Here's another one- be careful what you wish for. We all get tired of hearing it, right? Yeah, well, here I am. Alone. I've seen sad holidays with other sad folks and I've surely seen sad holidays by myself. Live for a long time and all the possibilities play out.
I hope you have the merriest holiday that you use. Save your money, waste your love. There's more where that came from. Ho, ho, ho.
Friday, December 19, 2014
Here I Am

The rest of the story is the bunch of beautiful folks whom I've been lucky enough to meet because of the music. They're scattered around the world. Ireland, Texas, Wales, Uruguay, Oklahoma, California, Great Britain and spots like Bhutan and Burlington. Some of them work in the music business or the music press. Some of them just love the music.
I suppose it's a good thing that the marine biology thing never worked out. Brain surgery and rocket science, too.
Thursday, December 18, 2014

Oh, I loved the music. Every bit of it. It was terribly naive and ethnocentric to think that I could figure out anything at all about the wonderful culture of Cuban music in a short period of time.
At least I got to see some of the island. It is as beautiful as the old postcards. The people are wonderfully sweet. To watch the younger schoolchildren holding hands to cross a busy street is to be transported to a more innocent time. The architecture, at least what still stands, is magnificent. The ancient American automobiles, painted brilliant island colors, make any heart skip a beat.
The dogs, though; nobody told me about the dogs. The Cubans don't feel that there is enough of anything to spare to take care of the strays on the street. It was too much for me. No animal should suffer because old men can't get along. Love is the tool. The only tool.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
You Can Make It If You Try

Probably my least favorite holiday song has always been Little Drummer Boy. Then I heard Ray Charles version. Great goodness!
For the past several years I have leaned on Mike Nicolai's classic, Christmas Is For Losers. Makes me feel better about myself.
I love you and I hope all of your holidays are beautiful. Pray for peace.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Afraid Of The Thunder

Good thing we get a chapter crediting us with the birth of jazz and the beginning of rock'n'roll because we show up as the last civilized country to abolish slavery. Oh yeah, there's that atomic bomb thing, too.
Shouldn't we figure out a way to abolish war? It's not enough to argue over what constitutes torture. Most soldiers who give their precious lives on a battlefield never voted on any rules for combat. We think the bad guys cheat because they strap bombs to their backs. Funny, they think we're the bad guys and that we cheat because we send drones with bombs to incinerate their families. Can they really brainwash so many of us into actually believing that we have God on our side and that we play by some divine rules that insulate us from the evil of killing?
Hey- peace ain't rocket science. You can quote me. Study love.
Monday, December 15, 2014
Hey! Get Your Heroin

Genius is genius. Ray Charles showed us that. There's nothing that junk is gonna do for the everyday artist. On the other hand, pumped into the bloodstream of these two, it showed its stuff.
Oh, yeah, I'm glad that they both straightened up. I'm really happy that we have this as a soul souvenir, too.
Sunday, December 14, 2014
All In The Eyes

I owe so much to so many. It's easy to be overwhelmed with the debt. I don't seem to love very well but I do love hard. My advice to you: get really good at it and love hard. Write it all down and take lots of pictures.
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Friends, Family and Lovers

It's Saturday and here we are, me and the dog and the cat, my wine and my regrets.
All the power's in the love, dear friends.
Friday, December 12, 2014
Ronny's Revenge

Never mind. That's a different chapter.
Today, from 2:00 'til 4:00 EST, you can catch me on WMNF, 88.5, Tampa. I'll be sitting in for my pal, Reverend Billy C. Wirtz. You can tune in from anywhere around the world on the internet. I'll be spinning most of those same 45's that got me sent home. You know, some Wynonie, a little James "Sugarboy" Crawford, maybe a Kitty Wells number. All stuff chosen to make the hair stand up on my arm. You're on your own.
Bull you way through with love.
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Peace and Love and Rock'n'Roll

Sometimes I have a hard time imagining the jump from Pythagoras to Beethoven to Chuck Berry.
You fall in love alone and the consequences are all yours.
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Post No Bills
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Now I See It

Some of my favorites have been Gorgeous George, Harry the Hipster, Annie Oakley, Muhammad Ali, Tiny Tim and Lord Buckley. It's a crowded field and there is absolutely no demand and no security. No gold watch, no big pension plan.
On the other hand, you never have to worry about a resume and you can't really oversleep.
Romance may, indeed, conquer desire but nothing beats love. Give it all you've got. Make sure that regrets don't dim your spirit.
Monday, December 8, 2014
Wide Nets, Heavy Loads

Several years ago I had decided to write a song about Sid Vicious and Nancy Spungen. I didn't know all that much about them. I had more or less missed the whole punk thing. I knew enough to know that it was a storybook romance with all the horrible trimmings.
In the car, on the way to Skipper's Smokehouse in Tampa to play a show, this song started going through my head.
"Shine, shine, shine like a vein of gold for me. I'll open like a bag of jewels and I'll set you free."
It probably took me forty five minutes to get to Skipper's and I couldn't get the melody out of my head. I couldn't figure out what those words meant, either. I found a pen in my bag when I got there and scribbled it down. I didn't really need to. That refrain was completely stuck in my mind.
When I finally sat down to work on the song about Sid and Nancy a week or two later it occurred to me that it was the chorus to the song. There's not much more to it. The facts for the verses just happened to rhyme
Sunday, December 7, 2014
The Passion

Skill? Talent? Gifts? Hey, I was in the wrong line and I know it. That's alright, that's alright. I mean it when I sing it. Make "love" your mantra. If they hear you babbling it in the line at Starbucks, it may catch on.
Saturday, December 6, 2014
All For Sale

Lately I've been thinking about stuffing all this sadness in a paper bag and leaving it prominently on the front seat of my unlocked car in the parking lot at the mall. I hate to put it off on anyone else, though. Any better ideas?
Friday, December 5, 2014
Deeper Wells

You know, I've always loved those pants that painters wear and those splattered floors in an artist's studio. The bright, vivid, undiluted colors. Now I paint my house like that. I don't have anyone to please.
My songs don't go through any re-write routine. Of course they never did.
Holiday stories and Christmas songs? I tear up and memories take control.
Do I think about her? Not much. Just every waking hour, almost every dream. So what.
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Rock'n'Roll Royalty

Nobody worships the heroes more than I do. I doubt that many others have had as much of their life consumed by the beat.
There's just a certain irrelevance for me. It just happened, that's all. I'm not a nostalgia nut. For me, and probably for lots of others, nothing like that is ever likely to happen again. Not in my lifetime. I do thank my lucky stars that I lived through it.
What's next?
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Working Man Blues
I suppose they're asking because I've moved for the first time in twenty years and yes, I suppose it is. I finally know enough to know that I'm not in charge. Oh, I'll make decisions. I can't very well leave it up to that dog and that cat. Why, they would trade the family fortune for treats and catnip every time.
Whatever's to become of me, though, is decided by powers beyond my vision and my intellect. Don't worry, I'm not about to preach here. It may be divine or it may be random. It's not so much that I'm not a believer, it's really more that I believe it all. The stories are all the same to me. Be nice. Love. Yeah, I guess I can do that. I try.
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Giving It Away

Magic is magic. I don't have much interest in the tales of Leonard Chess or Ahmet Ertegun. I don't think buying a second hand echo system made Sam Phillips a genius. Yeah, Phil Spector made fine records but his real genius was in the field of self-promotion.
My love is for the music. I never cared much for the business and it never seemed to care too much for me.
Monday, December 1, 2014
Twenty Four Hour Diner

Most of my social life is spent by myself at the diner down the street. To say that people watching is my hobby is to understate the obvious. It's my life. Nothing makes me happier than being around the lovers. Is it some vicarious, weird thing to fill some void in my soul? How would I know? Who cares?
All I know is that the glow of romance makes them all beautiful in some unique, radiant fashion. I don't have to worry about making the love stay or the little spats. It's none of my business how they raise their kids or when the in laws are going back up north.
Here's to love. Here's to romance.
Sunday, November 30, 2014
What's It Worth To You?
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Heigh Ho

I've been surrounded by magical musicians and beautiful folks since I was a kid. A long time.
We're gonna play a lot of stuff that I've always wanted to play and somehow, never got around to it. There's plenty of it.
To make a swell situation even sweeter, we're playing at the Hideaway Cafe in downtown St. Pete. What a beautiful listening room. Again, all terrific people, too.
Finally, I'm embarrassed to brag, but the folks who come to share the music and the love with me are the best in the world. Love for all you're worth. You'll be richer for it.
Friday, November 28, 2014
Holiday Cheer And Hot Stuff

Thursday, November 27, 2014
Studying Love

Here's to anyone that I've let down, anybody that I've disappointed. I have karma to take care of here. I hope that love fills every heart today. Don't ever hold back with yours.
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
"I Don't Have A Dog"
"Doc, I feel like my dog died and I don't have a dog."
Nobody could communicate with the English language like "Big Ed."
Well, Ed's bout with depression was fixed up with some medications and he was soon back to his cranky self.
If you have never suffered with the real blues, I'm happy for you. If you have, you know it. I mean you really know it.
Wouldn't it be fine to get this elephant off your chest and this monkey off your back once and for all. In the meantime, love, love, love.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Warm In The Wheel Wells

Monday, November 24, 2014
Do You Miss Me?
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Red Blood, Red Wine

I always read Proust to her 'til I got used to her, then I just sang her Ernie K-Doe. My blood was too red and the wine went to her head and I resigned myself to watching her go.
She stooped to conquer. She showed me pure joy. While she flirted in German I tried to be coy. With all the saints in the family and all the ghosts in the hall and all the savage pastimes that I can recall.
She read Dr. Seuss to me 'til she got used to me, then she sang me Billie Holiday. The wine rushed to her head and my blood was too red and she talked about going away.
I found a hole in my heart where the soul all went. It's easy to love a memory when the romance is spent. All of the God and all the gold, they can't touch the destiny when the dice have been rolled.
Yeah, I always read Proust to her, 'til I got used to her, then I just quoted Spike Jones. The wine went to my head and my blood was still too red. She was leaving, I could feel it in my bones.
She read Dr. Seuss to me, 'til she got used to me, then she quoted Lady Day. The wine was red and the blood rushed to my head and she talked about going away.
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Some Dogs Smile

I just want to spend my time with one of those smiles on my face. Let's study love.
Friday, November 21, 2014
A Toast

While I'm at it, let me lift a glass to the ones with their hands in their pockets because they have no hand to hold. You know, the ones with a favorite song or two but no way to share an "our song" thing. What becomes of the lonely ones?
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Which One Shows Up?

All I really have to say to the kids is do everything you do with love in your heart. Work for peace. Search for truth. Take care of all living things. Sing when you can and cry when you have to. By the time it's over, nothing will matter but the love.
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Bye Bye Johnny
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Press On
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