Thursday, November 3, 2022

Union Jacks and Hot Rods


I've been trying to get to England since 1965. Oh, I've been a few times. I've played and toured there. I've visited friends. I'm finally going to live there in any way that the immigration folks see fit. It's taking some doing, to be honest.

Parting with things that I considered holy has been odd. Objects that I would not have thought would ever leave my presence. Turns out it's easy. Stuff is just stuff after all.

People? Well, that's rougher. Folks promise that they will visit. Maybe they will. I will surely be taking the memories that we share.

It's new memories that I'm going for. I've got new songs to write and everything that I want to write about is over there. My heart has it right. I couldn't be happier. I couldn't be luckier.

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