Saturday, August 31, 2024

Liberal Politics


Bad actors hijacked the language long ago. In the United States the wealthy activists figured out that if you could control the courts, the religions and the semantics while you destroyed faith in the media, you could manipulate the masses into voting against their best interests in perpetuity.

What had been done to the term, woke, was impressive until I arrived in the UK. It is the ultimate slur here. Don't blunder into the corner pub in your Siddhartha Gautama t shirt, mate.

Now, I'll take what I want from your religions- the Golden Rule with a dash of peace and love, and I'll leave what I don't like- an eye for an eye. I would prefer very little of any of your governments at all, except that I know that someone will steal your unlocked bike or pick your unbuttoned pocket.

I'm a liberal, a socialist, an optimist. Show me a better path and I'll take it. I respect your views. I'm pretty stubborn on that peace and love bit, but that's about it.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Copy The Good Ones

Do you have childhood heroes? Of course you do. Pretty sure we all do. I probably have more than my share. I never dropped one for the next one. I just kept adding to my list.

Why not copy all the best parts of each of them. In my world Gene Vincent had Elvis and Jayne Mansfield had Marilyn. Muhammad Ali had Gorgeous George and James Dean had Marlon.

Think of the kindest teacher you ever had, the most patient boss, the most honest public figure before that became an oxymoron. Who was the sweetest person in your high school class? 

What would happen if you mixed all of the best traits of all the folks who inspired you and smeared it all over you. If you act nice all the time, you're nice. Can you believe it? Try spending some time patiently with a lonely neighbor like you can remember your mom doing. Voila!

Is this the most simplistic, naive suggestion that you ever ran across? Yeah, probably. I can't remember where I got it.

Give us peace on earth and end this dreadful, dreadful war.


Saturday, August 17, 2024

Best Of Times

Wouldn't we all like to believe that we're coming back when the ride is over. Don't we all need to hang onto the hope that we'll all be reunited someday with the ones we love.

Just in case that's not gonna happen, let's agree to enjoy every minute with the precious ones in our life. The luckiest of us know just how lucky we are.

Love hard. Pet those dogs.


Saturday, August 10, 2024

Subtitles In Color


Everybody wants to leave before the party winds down. Cloudy eyes and an early bed time. Hope is where love outruns heartbreak. You know all that passion that you've saved up? All those dreams that you put on hold? Check that expiration date, dear friend.

Want to compete? Look into setting some kind of world's record for the kindest person who ever lived. If you don't win, everybody else will.

Give us peace on earth and end this dreadful, dreadful war.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

What Light, What Tunnel?

Maybe there's never any need to panic. Everything that's going to happen is going to happen. From where I sit, it's mostly fools who think they're running the show. How would you like to wake up in the morning and realise, "Uh oh- I'm Vladimir Putin!" 

If you want folks to tell you what you want to hear, just throw a few rubles around.

Maybe there's something lower, more boring than politics. I haven't found it.

Oh, there's plenty to worry about. It's called the unknown. My advice is to brush after every meal and try not to dwell on it.

Give us peace on earth and end this dreadful, dreadful war.